- July 15, 2023
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Are you planning to set up Poultry and Piggery sector & Fodder sector
Then Book free Consultancy round :- https://forms.gle/nu7cAbZr3VUZtGkF7
The aim of National livest ock mission scheme towards employment generation, entrepreneurship development, increase in per animal productivity and thus targeting increased production of meat, goat milk, egg and wool under the umbrella scheme Development Programme. The excess production will help in the export earnings after meeting the domestic demands.
Objectives of National Livestock Mission:
The objects of NLM Scheme are to develop the entrepreneur in order to create the forward and backward linkage for the produce available at the unorganized sector and to link with the organized sector. In this regard NLM scheme intend to achieve the following objectives:
- Employment generation through entrepreneurship development in small ruminant, poultry and piggery sector & Fodder sector.
- Increase of per animal productivity through breed improvement.
- Increase in production of meat, egg, goat milk, wool and fodder.
- Increasing availability of fodder and feed to substantially reduce the demand through strengthening the fodder seed supply chain and availability of certified fodder seeds and establishment of fodder processing units to reduce the demand supply gap.
- Promoting risk management measures including livestock insurance for farmers.
- Promoting applied research in prioritized areas of poultry, sheep, goat, feed and fodder
- Capacity building of state functionaries and livestock owners through strengthened extension machinery to provide quality extension service to farmers.
Sub-mission of the scheme :
The National livestock mission scheme has been divide in-to the following three Sub-Missions.
1. Sub-mission on Feed and Fodder Development: This Sub-Mission aims towards strengthening of fodder seed chain to improve availability of certified fodder seed required for fodder production and encouraging entrepreneurs for establishment of fodder Block/Hay Bailing/Silage Making Units through incentivisation.
This mission of the feed and fodder will have the two activities:
- Assistance for quality Fodder seed production: Under this activity, fodder seed chain i.e. breeder, foundation and certified quality fodder seed production will be incentivized.
Quantum of Subsidy: When farmers are engaged by the seed producing agencies in the Fodder seed production activity, 75% of the subsidy to be passed on to the farmers and 25%should be kept by the seed producing agency to meet expenditure including certification cost. - Entrepreneurship activities in feed and fodder: Under this activity, encourage the fodder production by the local farmers for supplying to these entrepreneurs.
Quantum of Subsidy: 50% of the total project cost with subsidy up to Rs. 50 lakh will be provided to the beneficiaries through State Implementing Agencies in two equal instalments as per scheme guidelines.
2. Sub-mission on Breed Development of Livestock and Poultry: The proposes this scheme to bring sharp focus on entrepreneurship development and breed improvement in poultry, sheep, goat and piggery by providing the incentivization.
Eligibility Criteria for the Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities to avail benefit under NLM:
The Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities shall be considered Eligible for availing benefit under the entrepreneurship programme if fulfils either of the following condition:
- Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities either have obtained training or have trained experts or have sufficient experience in the relevant field in managing and running the project or have technical experts with sufficient experience in the relevant field of managing and running the project.
- The Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities have got the sanction loan for project by the bank or financial institutions furnished bank guarantee from scheduled bank along with appraisal of project for its validity by bank where it is holding the account.
- The Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities should have own land or lease land where the project will be established.
- The Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entitieshave all the relevant documents for KYC.
For, more information on this you are requested to contact our KIP subsidy helpline on Mail – sales@kipfinancial.com and contact Number- +918683898080
KIP Financial Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
DSB – 38, Red Square Market, Hisar – 125001 (HR)
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