Warehouse Registration under WDRA
WDRA Registration – For Warehouse Warehousing Development Regulatory Authority (WDRA) Enactment of WDRA has framed the Investment in Warehouse sector more lucrative and create the alternatives sources of income. Before this, Renting of warehouse with Govt. Agencies was the main sources of income for a Warehouse. Now a owner of […]
Tax Need to be Collected on Sale of Goods
Dear Businessman, With effect from 1st October 2020 onward, now you have to Collect Tax from the buyer if he/she has purchased of Goods of value of more than Rs. 50.00 lacs from you. In other words, if you have made Sales of Goods to any person of Value of […]
Ease Of Doing Business In Haryana
Dear Businessman, Now business doing is easy in Haryana. Don’t worried about business start-up expenditures such as Stamp Duty on land Purchase, Electricity Duty, SGST Payment, Interest on loan etc. Haryana Govt is bringing special benefits and incentives for a businessman or for a new business starter. The state […]
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund
https://youtu.be/-eG77IGV4Fo Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme covers 31 type of businesses like Rice mill, Flour Mill, Warehouse, Cold Storage etc. It covers all over India (West Bengal, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Punjab etc.) Book your Free Consultancy to discuss your project- https://forms.gle/mfUaL2dtbpRhyaqZ7 Key Features of Schemes: Scheme will be operational […]
Choose Carefully Your Business Location
Dear businessman, Selection of Appropriate business location is very important part for start-up a new business. Availability of Water, Electricity, Skilled Manpower, Raw Material, Banking, Road etc are the basic points that determined the success of business. Apart from above said parameters, Govt has provided many financial incentives/schemes to a […]
Investment Subsidy on SGST Paid: Department of Industry and Commerce of Haryana govt
Dear Businessman, If you are making State GST payment during the year then you can avail the benefit of “Investment Subsidy on SGST Scheme” issued by Department of Industry and Commerce of Haryana Govt. Many times, being a businessman you have felt that too much GST need to paid by […]
Special Benefits to MSME in Haryana
22’s Special Benefits/Incentives/Subsidy Scheme to MSME Units in Haryana. HARYANA ENTERPRISES PROMOTION POLICY, 2020 (Drafted) Department of Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Haryana. Dear Businessman, Department of Industries and Commerce of Haryana Govt has issued draft of “Haryana Enterprises Promotion Policy, 2020” with the following major Objectives as: Fostering […]
Subsidy for Warehouse in Haryana
Commercial Warehouse Opportunity in Haryana Dear Businessman, If you are doing the business of warehousing or interested to start this business then there is a good news for you that Department of Industry and Commerce of Haryana Government has launched “ Haryana Logistics, Warehousing and Retails Policy, 2019 “ vide notification No. 25/02/2019 […]
Business Subsidy Scheme – Government Subsidy Loan for Business
Business Subsidy Dear Businessman, If you are doing the business or Interest to start any new business then you should be aware with the various Govt Scheme (either State or Centre) of subsidy. There are so much scheme of Subsidy which can assists to you in your Investment Decision. Some […]
Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for MSME
MINISTRY OF MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES GOVT. OF INDIA CREDIT LINKED CAPITAL SUBSIDY SCHEME – TECHNOLOGY UPGRADATION Dear Businessman, Good News for MSME Unit for availing subsidy up to Rs. 15.00 Lacs Govt has invited the application for subsidy under the scheme of “Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme” from […]